Never heard of Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a spiritual discipline with a long history in the Christian Church going back to the 3rd century desert fathers and mothers. Recently, this spiritual discipline is receiving renewed attention by evangelicals who want to take time out to intentionally focus on their relationship with God in order to notice what He is saying and doing, what invitations He is extending to them, and how they are responding to those invitations.

Spiritual direction has yielded much fruit in my life and I am excited to be able to offer it to others. I am a member of the Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association (

What Happens in a Spiritual Direction Appointment?

The first session is an opportunity to tell me your story including where you are on your spiritual journey or about your relationship with God. If we decide we want to begin spiritual direction, we will commit to an initial time frame (usually once a month for about an hour). We will agree on whether to meet in person, over zoom, or phone. We will also establish a fee. $50-60 will be my standard fee in 2024, though I give a discount for ministry and military families as well as students.

Regular sessions begin with scripture meditation and some silence to settle ourselves and move more fully into a holy conversation. I will then give you an opportunity for you, the directee, to share about your life with God and others. My part is to listen, pray, notice, highlight, wonder and reflect with you. I usually ask open questions concerning God’s movement in your life that I hope will help you reflect on your responses to God. Ultimately, this is your time of process and discovery. If I say something that doesn’t resonate, you need not receive it. We will usually end our time together by praying for you or with a small period of silence if that seems more appropriate.